In addition to the ERM Program Framework, Risk Operations is responsible for supporting key ERM Information Technology solutions, including but not limited to the Fusion Framework, Rave Mobile Safety (CMU-Alert and the Rave Guardian mobile app), Campus Optics, and International SOS (ISOS).
For more information about these services, please click on a link in the Technology Services Supported section on the right-hand side of this page or send an email to the Risk Operations team by using the link below:
Email Risk Operations
CMU-ALERTemergency notification system |
CMU-Alert, Carnegie Mellon University’s emergency notification system, has transitioned to a new service provider, which will no longer require subscribers to opt-in.
Faculty and staff will automatically receive CMU-Alert messages to their email, office phone and personal phone numbers listed in Workday. Students will continue to automatically receive CMU-Alert messages to their email and personal phone numbers listed in the Student Information Online (SIO) system.
We ask students to make sure their contact information is accurate in the SIO system. We ask faculty and staff to make sure their contact information is accurate in Workday by using this guide. Please note that faculty and staff wishing to receive text alerts must identify their cell phone number as a mobile device in the drop-down menu.
While discouraged, faculty and staff will have the ability to opt-out of receiving emergency alerts to their mobile and/or other personal phone numbers by following this guide: Unsubscribe from CMU-Alert in Workday Quick Guide [pdf]. Students will continue to have the ability to opt-out via the SIO’s “Edit CMU-Alert Emergency Notifications” link.
CMU-Alert email messages will come from CMU-Alert voice notifications will come from 412-268-2578 (ALRT). Please add this information as a contact on your mobile device to avoid confusion and concerns with spam communications.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact
Thank you for your attention and for ensuring that your contact information in the SIO system or Workday is accurate.
Rave Guardian
Rave Guardian is a free smart-phone app that provides users with access to helpful safety and security resources on campus, a safety timer for a virtual buddy system, and interactive campus maps. It also pushes CMU-Alert emergency communications through the app to your smart phone.
The app is available for use by all currently registered CMU students and current employees of CMU. Users must have an Andrew ID to log in.
Emergency Communications Devices
In cooperation with Unified Communications and Cabling and University Police, Risk Operations manages CMU's Emergency Communications Devices across campus, including emergency phones, blue light towers and hazard warnings.