Carnegie Mellon University

Margaret Morrison Greek Row

The Margaret Morrison Greek Row offers upper-class living for Carnegie Mellon fraternity and sorority chapters. Houses within the Margaret Morrison Greek Row offer accommodations for 7 occupants (in houses 133 and 134) or 13 occupants (in houses 101-105 and 131/132).

Each facility offers a common area that can be used for a variety of functions. Chapters commonly use their houses for chapter meals, hosting campus events, brotherhood/sisterhood activities, recruitment activities, meetings, ritual, and a many other uses. Additionally, each house is outfitted with a shared bathroom on each floor, storage space and a kitchen. In-unit laundry is available in houses 101-105, and houses 131-134 can use the Margaret Morrison laundry facility located on Margaret Morrison Street.

Margaret Morrison Row Houses 101 through 105:

Margaret Morrison Row Houses 131 through 134:


James Sparkman bio photo

Housefellow James Sparkman

Student Staff

Community Advisor (CA)

Maxine Lui

Resident Assistant (RA)

Liam McDowell