Carnegie Mellon University
School of Music

Where artistry and innovation share center stage

Pre-screen, Audition & Portfolio Requirements

The Conducting Advanced Music Studies Certificate (AMSC) program is NOW OPEN!

Please read the information below to learn about our pre-screen, portfolio, and audition requirements. At the bottom of this page, select your desired area of study and carefully review its audition or portfolio requirements. 

Live auditions will be held in late January and throughout February on our Pittsburgh Campus and in New York City.

View our current audition dates here.

The Artist Diploma program is not accepting applications for the current admissions cycle. 


  • December 1: CMU Common App (undergraduates only) and Acceptd applications close for School of Music applicants. All music application materials, including pre-screen recordings and portfolios are due via Acceptd. You will select your audition day/location when you submit your application.

  • January 5: Letters of Recommendation due.

  • January 10-15: Pre-screen decisions and interview requests distributed. Audition times will be assigned no later than January 15.


The following studios require submission of pre-screen recordings via the Acceptd application: *NOTE: Only undergraduate BXA and Music & Technology applcants to performance tracks with the above studios are required to submit pre-screens. All BXA and M&T performance tracks are required to perform a live audition in January/February.


Applicants are encouraged to use the best recording equipment available to them, and to carefully select the best microphone placement and recording level to reduce distortion.

Devices such as a Zoom Handy Recorder will yield good results, and if using a phone, laptop, or tablet, an external USB microphone or microphone attachment can greatly improve the audio.

If you do not own or have access to a quality recording device, consider checking with a local or school library, ensemble director, or teacher about borrowing one. Experiment with the recording process in advance, so that your recordings represent you as well as possible.


  • DECEMBER 1: CMU Common App (undergraduates only) and Acceptd applications close for School of Music applicants. All music application materials, including portfolios are due via Acceptd

  • JANUARY 5: Letters of Recommendation due.

  • JANUARY 10-15: Interview invitations distributed by your program. 


The following studios require portfolios via the Acceptd application

*NOTE: Only undergraduate BXA and Music & Technology students applying under the composition or technology tracks will submit portfolios.